The Ultimate Guide to Murray Cod Lures: The Extensive Guide You Need To Read

The Ultimate Guide to Murray Cod Lures: The Extensive Guide You Need To Read

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Cod lures are one of the most important pieces of gear an angler can use when targeting Murray Cod. There are a variety of different types and styles on the market, so it can be tough to know which ones work best. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Cod lures!

We'll cover what types of lures work best, how to use them, and where to find them. So whether you're a beginner or a pro, read on for the ultimate fishing guide to Murray Cod lures!

What Is The Best Lure To Catch Murray Cod?

There is no single "best" lure to catch Murray cod, as different lures work better in different situations. However, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind when choosing from different lure types.

First, consider the type of water you'll be fishing in. Murray cod can be found in both freshwater and saltwater, so make sure to choose a lure that is designed for saltwater or freshwater.

Second, think about the size of the Murray cod you're hoping to catch. If you're targeting large Murray cod, you'll need a bigger and heavier lure than if you were after smaller fish.

Finally, take into account the time of year and what cod are feeding on at that time. Different lures mimic different types of baitfish, so using a lure that Murray cod is naturally feeding on will increase your chances of success.

Hardbody lures are perhaps the most popular type of lure for Murray cod fishing. This is because they're versatile and can be fished in a variety of different ways. Some of the best hard-bodied lures for cod include the Rapala X-Rap, the Codger Cod lure, and the Atomic Hardz Codger.

Soft plastic lures are also a great option for Murray cod fishing. These lures mimic baitfish and other small creatures that cod feed on, making them irresistible to fish. Some of the best soft-plastic lures for Cod include the Zman GrubZ, the Gulp Minnow, and the Berkley PowerBait Minnow.

Surface lures are often the best choice for Murray cod fishing, as they can be fished in a variety of ways and imitate a range of prey items. Plastics, spinnerbaits, and soft vibes are all great choices for Cod lures. If you want to catch more fish, make sure to have a good selection of Cod lures in your tackle box.

With all of these factors in mind, let's take a look at some of the best types of Murray cod lures on the market.


Spoon lures are one of the most popular Murray cod lures and for good reason. They're versatile, easy to use, and effective on cod of all sizes. Spoons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can choose the perfect lure for your specific situation.


Jigs are another great option for Murray cod fishing. They can be fished in a variety of ways and are often used to mimic baitfish or other small creatures that cod feed on. Jigs come in both hard-bodied and soft-plastic varieties, so you can experiment to see what works best for you.


Swimbaits are a type of lure that imitates the swimming action of baitfish. They're often used to target larger cod, as the bigger size and swim pattern can attract big fish. Swimbaits come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colours, so you can find the perfect one to match the conditions you're fishing in.

Now that we've covered some of the best types of cod lures you can use, let's discuss how to use them.

How To Use Murray Cod Lures?

Murray cod fishing means using you will be using lures that are heavier and larger than what you would use for other fish. The great thing about Murray cod lures is that they can be fished in a variety of ways. The most important thing is to experiment and find what works best for you.

One popular way to fish and target Murray cod using lures is with a slow-rolling presentation. This involves reeling the lure slowly through the water, which cod often find irresistible. Another common technique is to cast the lure out and then let it sink to the bottom before reeling it back in. This is a great way to target cod that is held near the bottom of lakes or rivers.

Another key element to Murray cod fishing is using the right retrieves. Different Murray cod lures work best with different types of retrieves, so it's important to experiment to find what works best. Generally speaking, a slow and steady retrieve is often the most effective way to fish cod lures.

In surface fishing, Cod lures can be fished using a variety of techniques. One popular way is to use walking the dog presentation. This involves reeling the lure in short, quick bursts and then letting it sit for a few seconds. This imitates the action of a wounded baitfish and often results in Cod strikes.

Another common surface fishing technique is to simply cast the lure out and reel it back in at a steady pace. This will ensure that a resident Murray cod in the area comes across your lure.

Finally, Murray cod lures can also be used for fishing vertically. This involves dropping the lure straight down into the water and then jigging it up and down. Vertical fishing is a great way to target cod that are suspended in the midwater columns.

No matter what method you choose, make sure to pay attention to your line and watch for any unusual movement. Cod strikes can be subtle, so being able to detect them is crucial if you want to hook into a fish. Be sure to also use a high-range fish finder as this will give you a good idea of Cod locations and holding areas.

What Colour of Lures Do Cod Like?

Cod are attracted to a variety of colours, so it's important to have a selection of bait fish lures in different hues. Some popular Cod colours include white, silver, green, and blue. That being said, don't be afraid to experiment with other colours as well. You never know what might work best in your particular situation.

One important thing to keep in mind is that Cod is more attracted to brighter colours in low-light conditions. So, if you're fishing early in the morning or late in the evening, it's a good idea to use brighter lures.

To predict key bite times, always remember Cod are predators. This means they're most active during the low-light conditions of dawn and dusk. So, if you're targeting Cod, make sure to fish during these times.

On the other hand, Cod are more likely to bite darker-coloured lures when the sun is high in the sky. This is because bright colours can be overwhelming for fish when there's a lot of light. So, if you're fishing during midday, opt for darker Cod lures.

Now that we've covered some of the best types of Murray cod lures you can use, let's discuss where you can mostly fish them.

Where Is The Most Cod Caught?

Australia's largest freshwater fish, the Murray Cod, is a popular target for anglers and the native fish can grow to over two metres in length and weigh more than 100 kilograms. While Cod can be found in various freshwater environments across Australia, they are most commonly caught in lakes, dams, and small creeks. Some of the best Cod fishing spots in Australia include Lake Eucumbene, Burrinjuck Dam, Lake Jindabyne, the Murrumbidgee River, and the Macquarie River.

The Murray Darling Basin, for example, is home to cod populations in the Murray, Murrumbidgee, Darling, and Macquarie Rivers. The basin covers 14 percent of Australia's landmass and Murray cod are commonly found in all four of these rivers. Cod fishing in the Murray Darling Basin is a popular target for recreational anglers because they put up a good fight when hooked and they're also excellent table fare.

To avoid fishless trips, keep in mind that Murray cod are found in a variety of freshwater environments, including lakes, rivers, and streams. They're most commonly caught in shallow waters near the shoreline. However, they can also be found in deeper waters offshore.

Most river systems in the cod territory are lowland streams that flow into larger rivers, lakes, or reservoirs. Cod are often found near the mouths of these rivers, where the water is deep and slow-moving.

Lakes and dams are also some of the most popular cod fishing spots. This is because cod often congregate in these deeper water areas to feed on baitfish. Some of the best lakes for Cod fishing include Lake Eucumbene, Burrinjuck Dam, and Lake Jindabyne.

Cod are also commonly found in rivers, especially during the spawning season. Some of the best rivers for Cod fishing include the Murrumbidgee River, Macquarie River, and Murray River.

Finally, Cod can also be caught in coastal estuaries and bays. These areas are typically shallow and offer a variety of different habitats for Cod to feed in. Some of the best estuaries for cod fishing include Port Jackson and Jervis Bay.

In terms of specific locations, cod are often caught in the Great Lakes region of North America. This is because the Great Lakes are home to a large population of Cod. Other popular Murray cod fishing spots include the St. Lawrence River, Chesapeake Bay, and Lake Champlain.

It is important to know where Murray cod can be found so that you can start identifying what type of forage food lives in your chosen area. This way, you can start to match the hatch, as they say, and use lures that the resident Murray cod will most likely bite. Usually, this fish would hunt small Spangled Perch, Golden Perch, Redfin, Larger European Carp, and other small freshwater fish but Cod have been known to eat just about anything that moves and fits into their mouth. Cod are opportunistic feeders which makes them a fun fish to target on the end of your line.

When Is The Best Time To Fish For Cod?

Cod is most active in the early morning and late evening. This is because they're predators and prefer to hunt during low-light conditions. The key seasons for cod fishing are spring and autumn when you can naturally hunt them. This is because cod are most active and can be found in large numbers during that time.

Spring is the best time to fish for cod in lakes, dams, and rivers. This is because cod are spawning at this time of year and can be found in large groups near the shoreline.

Autumn is the best time to fish for cod in coastal estuaries and bays. This is because cod are migrating at this time of year and can be found in large schools near the surface of the water. You can use a barometric pressure sensor to help you identify when Murray cod are migrating.

Overall, the best time to fish for a big Murray cod is early in the morning or late in the evening during the spring or autumn months as this is when cod are most active.

If you find yourself with some free time, there is a Murray cod fishing season in Australia which lasts from October to March. Cod are most active during the spawning season, so this is the best time to fish for them. During Murray cod season, you can target Murray cod in large numbers near the shoreline in lakes, dams, and rivers.

With that being said, cod fish can be caught all year round if you know where to look. So, in your next fishing adventure, don't be discouraged if you can't make it out during the spawning season. There's still plenty of cod to be caught and you might just be surprised by how successful you are.

What Size Hooks are Best for Big Murray Cod?

Chasing Murray cod can be challenging. That is why it is important to know the size of the hook you need to use which will depend on the size of cod you're targeting. For most cod, a size two to four hook is ideal. However, for larger Murray cod, you may need to use a size six or eight hooks. The best way to determine the right hook size is to experiment and see what works best for you.

Scoring multiple big fish is always a great feeling, but it's when you target Murray cod that put up the best fight. Murray cod are strong and can grow to be quite large, so it's important to use the right gear when you're targeting them. The best way to determine the right hook size and gears is to experiment and see what works best for you.

Trailer hooks, for example, are a great way to add extra weight and bulk to your lure. This is because Cod are attracted to larger lures and baitfish. So, if you're targeting big cod, using a trailer hook can give you an edge.

Another hook you can try is the Aberdeen hook, which is a popular choice for cod fishing. This type of hook is designed to keep cod on the line and is less likely to tear their mouths. A baitcasting rod will also help you land cod more effectively. This is because medium-sized baitcasting reels are designed for larger fish and can handle the weight of a cod better than other types of rods.

Murray cod fishing is all about experimentation. So, don't be afraid to try different lures, baits, and techniques until you find what works best for you.

Where to Buy Murray Cod Lures?

Now that you know everything there is to know about cod lures, it's time to start stocking up on your own supplies. Cod lures can be purchased from a variety of different retailers, both in-store and online.

Some popular places to buy cod lures include Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, and Tackle Warehouse. You can also find cod lures at most sporting goods stores or bait shops. If you're having trouble finding what you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask the staff for help.

On a final note, Murray cod lures are an essential part of any cod fisherman's arsenal. So, be sure to stock up and experiment with different lures until you find what works best for you. With the right lure, you'll be sure to have a successful cod fishing trip.

Now that you know all about cod lures, it's time to get out there and start fishing! Experiment with different techniques and lures until you find what works best for you. Do not be afraid to go home with a big Murray cod capture! With a little practice, you'll be catching cod like a pro in no time.

Do you have any tips for using cod lures? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to check out our other blog posts for more great fishing tips and information. Tight lines!

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