Best Lure Colours for Murray Cod

Best Lure Colours for Murray Cod

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The Murray Cod is a large freshwater fish that can be found in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. It's also one of the most popular targets for anglers worldwide. It's no secret that the Murray cod is one of the most sought-after fish in Australia. They are a prized addition to any angler's collection and can be found in lakes and rivers across the country.

If you're planning to target this species, then you'll want to make sure you have the right lure colours. This is because all fish have different preferences when it comes to colour and patterns. The best way to find out what they prefer is by trying out different colours and patterns and see which one they go for most often.

Looking to catch a Murray cod? You're in luck. In this blog post, you'll learn about the best lure colours for catching a Murray cod. We'll help you decide which colour will work best for your needs, so that you can focus on catching fish instead of worrying about what colour your lures are. So, let's get started!

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What Makes a Lure a Good One?

In fishing, lures are the bait that you use to catch fish. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours. Some are so intricate that they look like real animals. Others are simple and basic. The question is: which ones work best? The answer is not as easy as you might think. It depends on many factors including the type of fish you're trying to catch and where you're fishing. Not just the colour that will work best on the type of fish that you want to catch. However, you are in luck because there are some general guidelines that can help you choose which lures will work for your situation.

When you're looking for a new lure, consider the following attributes:


Durable lures are not only good for your wallet, but they are also great for the environment. They will last longer and can be used over and over again. Having a durable lure means that you won't have to replace it as often and will be able to use it for longer periods of time. Lures that are durable are great for the environment because they don't end up in landfills where they can pollute our earth.

Made of High Quality Materials

Having a fishing lure that is made of high quality materials is extremely important for many reasons. First, it will help you to catch more fish. Second, it will increase your chances of getting a trophy fish. Finally, the quality of the lure will increase its lifespan and reduce your need to replace it.

It is important to have a high quality lure because it will help you to catch more fish. A high quality lure attracts fish much faster than one that is made with low-quality materials because it generates more vibrations in the water and has more attractive features. This means that fish will be attracted to it much faster than they would be attracted by an inferior product. If you are interested in fishing, better to invest on a lure that is made up of high quality materials!

Gives You Value For Money

When you are looking for a lure, it is important that you look for one that is going to give you value for money. A lure that is not going to give you value for money will be something that does not work as well as you had hoped and could even be dangerous if it does not work at all. When you are shopping for a new lure, it is important that you keep in mind what type of fish you are targeting so that you can find the right one for your needs.

There are many different types of lures on the market today and they each have different features and characteristics. You should also try out different brands of lures before making your final decision on which one is right for you.

Size and shape

The size of your lure should be proportional to the size of the fish you're trying to catch, and its shape should reflect the type of bait you're going after. For example, if you're fishing for bass, consider getting a lure with a large tail.

Here Are More Things You Must Know to Lure Murray Cod!

Lures are used by fishermen because they attract fish with their bright colours and movement. They range in shape and size depending on the type of fish you want to catch and how deep they dive into the water! Artificial lures are often brighter than natural ones because they're easier for humans to see; however, sometimes this can scare away other fish if there aren't enough natural lures around them!

If you're interested in learning more about luring Murray cod then continue reading down below!

What Colour Lures Murray Cods Are Most Attracted To?

The Murray cod is a large freshwater fish that can be found in the rivers and lakes of Australia. They are known for their beautiful colours, which range from light brown to dark green with bright red fins. One question that many anglers ask is what colour lures are most attractive to Murray cods?

When it comes to lures, Murray cod are attracted to bright colours—especially reds and oranges. They also prefer shiny objects as opposed to dull ones. Not only that, but they are also interested in lures that are natural in colour. This is because it somehow mimics their preys.

If you are looking into catching Murray Cods on your next fishing trip, be sure that you keep this in mind so that you will be able to save your time and energy when fishing for such fish!

What is the Best Lure Size To Use for Baiting Murray Cod?

The best lure size to use for baiting Murray cod is a lure that isn't too big but is not too small either. This is because the Murray cod is a large, powerful fish that can easily swallow larger lures. A large lure can end up getting stuck in the Murray cod's mouth, causing damage to both the fish and your fishing line. With that in mind, when you want to buy a lure for your next Murray Cod adventure, a great way to get you started is using a lure that is around 80-120 mm.

If you're fishing from an inflatable boat or kayak, then you may want to use a larger lure, because they are less likely to get stuck in the water. Keep in mind that the lure for Murray cod fishing will also depend on where you are fishing. If you're fishing in a river then a small, compact lure is probably your best option. However, if you're out on the ocean then you should consider using a larger lure that can be cast further out into the water.

Where Can You Quickly Catch Murray Cod?

Murray cod are a popular fish for anglers to catch, and they are found in most rivers and streams throughout Australia. They are known for their ability to swim fast and feed on a variety of foods. The Murray cod is also known for its large size and thick scales.

These type of fish can be found in many different environments across Australia, but there are specific areas where you can find them more easily. Murray cod prefer warm waters with low levels of oxygen and slow-moving waters with lots of vegetation growth. They tend to avoid large bodies of water because these types of environments do not have enough food sources available for them to eat effectively!

This is The Best Lure That You Must Use For Murray Cods!

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Now that you already know the best lure colours for Murray cods, this is one of the lures that we recommend you use - the Bridgeman 8 Segment Live Action Lure! Segmented lures are the best for catching murray cod because they are more lifelike and realistic than other styles of lure.

This style of lure is especially effective at enticing murray cod because it mimics their natural prey (worms). When you retrieve this type of lure through the water with your rod and reel, it looks very much like an actual worm in motion, making it hard for your target fish to resist.

Murray cod are very strong, fast-swimming predators who want to eat whatever they can find in the water. Because they are such aggressive eaters, segmented lures work best because they look like the real thing: a combination of live bait and crustaceans. If you are fishing with a segmented lure, you can expect to catch more fish and bigger fish than if you were using another type of lure.

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1 comment



This is nothing but useless fake information and Murray Cod will not like any of these terrible lures and they are only found in Australia cause they are a native species. They are not found is South Africa what is this fake ass information

This is nothing but useless fake information and Murray Cod will not like any of these terrible lures and they are only found in Australia cause they are a native species. They are not found is South Africa what is this fake ass information

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