Camping can be enjoyed in so many different ways. Some go to spend time in the wilderness, others pursue a new hobby, others get some fresh air and enjoy a break from the day-to-day grind. Regardless of your reasons, many people often wonder just how big you camping backpack should be. Backpacks come in all kinds of different sizes and are meant to carry different kinds of outdoor gear. Choosing the right size depends on what kind of camping gear you plan on taking with you and how far you intend to go. Most packs will come in multiple sizes, each designed to fit specific purposes.
When people are looking for a new pack, they sometimes underestimate how important a perfectly sized backpack is. While a larger backpack may seem like a logical choice, it is important to choose a bag that is well-fitted for your body type. To help, Koala Outdoor is here to guide you to help choose the best camping backpack for your weekend trips.
How big should my camping backpack be?
Everybody has different needs when it comes to camping; some packs have innovative suspensions to help achieve a comfortable carry while maintaining airflow behind your back. Others have a simple design with basic features to reduce weight. Some are designed to haul your entire setup, while others are minimalistic to keep you fast and light.
While comfort is important, having the right set of pockets and features for your backpack can also make all the difference between a pack you rave about and one you gripe about.
Finding the perfect hiking backpack for your needs can be a daunting and challenging process. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to navigate through all of the options and find the one that's right for you. Here are some of our tips that will help guide you in finding the best expedition backpacks for your needs:
Choosing backpack by capacity
Make sure to test out different backpacks before you decide on which one to purchase. You don't want to end up with a pack that doesn't feel comfortable or doesn't fit your needs. The right pack weight can increase your comfort on the trail by reducing pressure points, balancing the weight distribution of your gear, and keeping everything within reach.
10L Backpack
For lightweight pursuits like running, road biking, or short hikes, you should use a small pack that provides room for only a handful of essentials, like an ultralight jacket, energy bars, and your keys.
11-20L Backpack
You’ll find these backpacks ideal for hiking, mountain biking, trail-running, and traveling because they’re compact, have extra storage pockets, and can carry extra layers of clothing and food for day trips.
30 to 50L Backpack
If you’ve got a lot of gear to carry, or if you have kids to pack for, then an extended-capacity pack might be just what you need. These larger packs are perfect for trips that require additional clothing and gear such as climbing, mountaineering, or non-summer hiking.
50-70L Backpack
For a backpacking trip lasting more than one night, a 70 L backpack is the most suitable choice. A 70 L backpack allows you to carry all the items you need for winter camping comfortably: a warm sleeping bag, extra clothing, and extra poles or gear.
Choosing backpack by activity
Think about what kind of hiking you're planning on doing and what type of equipment you'll need to bring along with you. Are you going to an overnight hike? Hiking through rough terrain? Planning on multi-day backpacking trips? When choosing a hiking backpack, it is important to think about the type of trips you want to take and how much stuff you will need. Packs are measured in litres, and the average length of a trip varies from a day hike to multi-day trips.
There are generally types of hiking trips:
- Day or Weekend Trips (30-50 litres)
- Multi-day Hikes (50-70 litres)
- Extended Hikes (70+ litres)
Choosing backpack by features
Choose a pack that has good adjustable cushioned shoulder straps so you don’t have to worry about any more strain on your body than necessary. Some packs also have padding on the hips, which will help redistribute some of the weight off your shoulders. Make sure you choose a backpack that fits your height and body frame. This way it'll be more comfortable to carry around for longer periods.
Anatomy of a backpack
Not all backpacks will have all these features, but when choosing a backpack you should look for these sorts of attributes.
The right backpack is critical to your comfort when you're out on the trail. So is getting the fit just right. Before buying a backpack, make sure you know how to pick one that's right for you.
You'll want a pack that offers all these features:
1. Backpack straps
The backpack straps are what support the pack weight of your pack and should be wide enough and padded to comfortably carry the load.
2. Sternum strap
The sternum straps pull the shoulder straps together, lifting that extra weight off of your shoulders and onto your back muscles. This allows you to carry heavier loads with less strain on your shoulders and be comfortable carrying additional weight.
3. Load lifter straps
Load lifters connect the pack body to your shoulder straps. These backpack straps pull in the weight at the top of the backpack to make sure you don’t get pulled backward. They should be adjusted so that there is a 45 to 60 degree angle formed between the shoulder straps and the body of the pack.
4. Hip belt
The hip belt is designed to take most of the pack weight off of your shoulders and transfer it to your hips, this secures the pack against your lower back for stability. It should be an adjustable suspension to fit your waist snugly, but not too tight so it doesn't dig into your skin during long hikes.
5. Shoulder strap
These straps, when pulled tight enough, ensure the weight is distributed all-around your shoulder and back, not just as one specific spot.
6. Hydration packs
A compartment in the main body of the hydration packs allows you to carry water without having to reach into mesh pockets or stop to remove water bottles from the side pockets when you need hydration on the trail.
7. Back padding
Look for back padding that's at least 1.5cm thick to give adequate support and comfort when carrying heavy loads for long distances.
8. Compression straps
Compression straps are used to stabilize the load in your pack during activities like running or climbing stairs.
9. Top loading strap
This strap is usually found on the bottom of the hiking backpack and is super handy for attaching a sleeping pad or blanket.
10. Front Stash Pocket
A pocket on the front of your pack gives you quick access to gear like rain jackets, snacks, portable power bank, and more.
11. Main compartments
The top-loading design of the largest packs allows easy access to your food, extra clothes, camp shoes, stove, portable power bank, bare essentials, and most of your extra gear.
Additional backpack features:
Whether you are traveling through the Grand Canyon, Appalachian Trail, or a local park, you still have decisions to make and extra gear to buy. You need a quality sleeping bag, proper footwear, and a dependable tent. A backpack is also essential. But what are some of the other special features you need to consider when choosing a camping backpack?
Most high-quality hiking backpacks are designed with frames that give them a certain stiffness. This can be very helpful when carrying heavy weights for longer periods, or if you intend on traveling any kind of distance. Another added benefit of having a pack frame is the way it keeps your camping gear centered in your pack.
Sleeping bag compartment
Most new packs have a special compartment and panel access made only for storage so your down or cotton-filled bag doesn't get wet from the rest of your stuff. Make sure it's big enough for your sleeping bag if you're hiking in an area where the temps drop at night.
Whether you want to go on a weekend trip, a waterproof backpack will protect your gear from water damage. Additionally, waterproof camping backpacks provide a great value compared to using lower-quality alternatives with rain covers or packing everything in sealable plastic bags – which often do not stand up to repeated use.
Bungee or Elastic Cords
Bungee cords allow you to quickly stow your jacket and hat when you’re out on the go.
Ice Axe / Trekking Pole loops
They are useful for mountain climbers and even hikers who may not carry an ice axe or trekking poles.
Elasticized side pockets
Well-designed side water bottle pockets should be secure to hold them while on the move. Ideally, you'll want to be able to reach this pocket without stopping while moving. Even if you use a hydration bladder with your pack, you'll want a separate water bottle for electrolyte based drinks.
How big of a backpack do I need for backpacking?
Choosing the right backpack is important, particularly when it comes to backpacking trips which require a lot more equipment. Many people wonder how big should a camping backpack be but this all depends on what you need it for. You should consider the distance you plan on traveling, how much gear you need to bring with you, and most importantly if the backpack has a weight capacity that will be able to handle all your equipment.
It's important to know what kind of camping you'll even be doing before purchasing your hiking pack. Make sure you keep in mind how far you intend on going and for how long. Proper planning and preparation are essential for any type of outdoor excursion.
Is a 35 litre bag large enough?
When considering how many litres your backpack should be, think about how much your camping gear weighs. Bear in mind that the higher the capacity of the bag or backpack generally will also mean that it's heavier since there are more materials used to ensure it is durable enough. A 35 L backpack is a good size for day hikes, but it's not enough for a weekend warrior backpacking trip. If you're planning on going away overnight then opt for something with at least 40-50L of capacity or even more if possible.
It's difficult to say what the perfect size of a camping backpack is since it comes down to personal preference. For example, someone who is only going on overnight trips may prefer something smaller like 35 liters while someone who is doing more extensive would probably look for something bigger like 70 litres.
What size backpack would I need for a 2-day trip?
Camping is a fun activity that many people enjoy doing, but it also means that there are some packing essentials that you'll have to think about beforehand. One thing to consider is how big of a camping backpack you're going to need. This is why you must choose a backpack that not only has enough capacity but also fits well and provides good support for your back. Remember that too much weight will cause strain on your body.
For a 2 day trip, you'll want a backpack with at least 50L of capacity or ideally one that is larger if possible. You should also consider packing light to make sure it can handle the weight of all your camping gear. This will ensure that there won't be any strain on your joints and muscles, which is important especially if you plan on carrying it for long periods.
Choosing a hiking backpack can seem like an extensive process but this all depends on your specific needs. The most important thing that you need to consider is how big should a camping backpack be, how many days you plan on hiking, and also if you prefer to carry everything yourself. Whatever your decision is, make sure that it allows for an appropriate amount of weight without causing any strain on your body.
Hopefully, these tips have helped you make the right decision for your climbing backpack. Keep in mind that most backpacks have a recommended load limit that is well within what most people can handle, but should still be considered when determining the appropriate size for your needs.